Toronto Man Excited To Share Why He Would've Made The WNBA

By Pov Minhas

Sports - Toronto will be hosting Canada's first WNBA game on May 13, and men throughout the city are really excited to welcome the ladies with a flurry of cheers and high school mix tapes.

"Look what I can do" said Billy Jenkins, a 42 year old man who is 5'2" tall. He then proceeded to miss a layup. "I technically got cut from my high school team; but in gym class, I used to beat almost all the girls I played 1-on-1 against." 

Billy then stated he would need about a month to get into shape to make the WNBA today if they "stopped with their discriminatory practices against men".

Billy asked us to note that he considers himself a feminist.

Pov Minhas is a contributing writer at The Toronto Harold


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