Canadians Shocked To Learn Instead Of KD, Americans Have Something Called “AR-15”

Lifestyle - If you plan on traveling south of the border this season, you might have a tougher time than you’d expect finding Canada’s beloved Kraft Dinner. One traveler tells us he had quite the surprise while trying to locate his favourite mac and cheese.

“I was down in Miami for an extended stay work conference, and I had a real craving for some KD,” Guelph resident Patrick Fuller tells us, “So I headed to a nearby Walmart and asked the staff where I could find it. And let me tell you was I sure surprised when I was directed to an aisle filled with rifles!”

While Canadians may refer to the product as KD or Kraft Dinner, down in the states they call it AR-15. And that’s not where the differences stop. Our experts also say that instead of a quick and easy cheesy dinner, the product is actually an assault-style firearm used for home protection and potential insurrection against a tyrannical government.

So next time your visiting Canada’s only land neighbour, make sure you stock up on some KD ahead of time, otherwise you might need to make some adjustments to your dinner plans.


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