Trudeau Mandates Santa’s Sleigh Must Go Electric By 2030

Ottawa - With just days away from Jolly Old Saint Nick’s annual globe trekking journey to spread Christmas joy, a new bill proposed by the Liberal government may see some changes to Santa’s future plans to visit Canada.

As part of the government’s green initiative, the Liberals have put forward a motion to force Santa to adopt an energy-efficient electric sleigh by 2030 should he wish to continue operations in Canada. The bill has been met with support by the NDP, with some push back from the Conservatives.

Stated opposition leader Pierre Poilievre, “It is not on us to dictate how anyone, whether it be Canadian citizens or a magical Christmas visitor, chooses to power their vehicles. Mr Clause has been operating in Canada for centuries with no issue. This government is overstepping yet again and showing what dictators they truly are, and I will not allow them to deny the joy of Christmas to be spread by Mr Clause.”

Santa Clause has stated that should this bill pass it may result in the countless Canadian children having their heart’s broken on Christmas morning, resulting in general holiday cheer to plummet across the nation. Clause has stated that his sleigh is already as carbon neutral as possible, being powered by eight magical reindeer, Christmas spirit, and a small 288 horsepower diesel engine. He says the cost of converting his sleigh to electric is too much of a financial burden as his business has already been operating at a loss since the 2020 release of the Playstation 5.

The bill is set to be voted on in early 2024. Poilievre has already stated that if elected his government would motion to overturn the bill and instead fight climate change by banning Diwali fireworks.


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