Stephen Lecce Announces Ontario Students Will No Longer Be Taught To Read

Queen’s Park - Ontario education minister Stephen Lecce has confirmed in an announcement on Monday that effective immediately literacy will be scraped from the provincial education curriculum.

Lecce confirmed to reporters that reading would no longer be taught in any schools in the province as a way to modernize the curriculum and adapt to the needs of technology in the changing world.

“We have realized that in our current modern society, reading is an obsolete skill that is no longer necessary for most people,” stated Lecce, “Instead of antiquated reading and writing, students will be taught more tech-based skills such as selecting the most flattering filter and repairing self-checkout machines. We want to ensure our students are given the skills they need to succeed after graduating.”

By eliminating reading, Lecce also confirmed the province will save at least $500,000 in their yearly budget.


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