Governor General’s Award Declares The Toronto Harold As 2020’s “Top Source For Fake News”


Ottawa - In a recognition of their outstanding achievement in false reporting and general lying during 2020, the Governor General’s Award was presented to The Toronto Harold this morning.

The publication, founded in April of this year by Editor in Chief Scott Slute during the midst of an existential crisis, has been widely regarded from coast to coast (and several click farmers in India) as one of Canada’s most reliable sources for outright bullshit.

”I am pleased to award The Toronto Harold with Canada’s highest honour, The Governor General’s Award for outstanding achievement in fake journalism,” said Governor General and literal astronaut who spent over 25 days in space Julie Payette.

“How do you poopoo in space?” Slute responded to Payette after receiving the prestigious award.

“I am so honoured to be a part of this publication,” The Harold’s head writer Paul Dudar tells us, “Hopefully with this new recognition, our beloved Editor in Chief Scott Slute will stop his hourly lashings and finally allow those interns to return to their families. This is truly the proudest day in Harold History.”

The Toronto Harold went on to thank all 8 of their fans for their loyal support. They also wanted to share this award the Ford family, specifically Doug, stating that they would be nowhere without his constant buffoonery.

From the bottom of our hearts, The Toronto Harold thanks you all for your support this year and promises even bigger things to come in 2021.

-Scott Slute, Editor in Chief


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