Trudeau Warns Canadians Have 12 Hours To Repay CERB Before He Starts Breaking Legs


By Scott Slute

Ottawa - After the CRA has spent the last month requesting CERB repayments before the end of 2020, Justin “Daddy’s Boy” Trudeau, Don of the Liberal Mafia, has stepped in warning that if he doesn’t get his money back by midnight, then Canadians can expect repercussions in the form of fractured femurs.

“I’ve asked you’s nicely once already,” Trudeau said in a cryptic video posted to his Instagram this morning while he sipped on a breakfast Negroni, “Butchus didn’t listen. You wanted my protection back in March, but now you don’t wanna pay me back? After all I’ve done for you? Well, looks like now me and the boys here are gonna haves to go an’ break a couple of yous legs.”

Trudeau, who insisted last March that all Canadians should be applying for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit, has gone ahead and pulled a classic mob extortion move, now claiming all the people he forced to apply for CERB have wrongly applied for CERB. He’s demanding his money back now and he’s losing his patience.

“I’m losing my patience over here. I warned you all and now I’m gonna shows you all I mean business,” Trudeau then turned the camera over to Ministers Dominic LeBlanc and Marc Garneau who began to senseless beat a 19 year old Dalhousie student Trudeau claims owes him $12000 in CERB repayments, “This is your last warning. I want my money back by midnight.”

Trudeau was last scene exiting Parliament Hill in his tinted out Bentley with the WE Charity CEO. When this reporter asked where he was going, Trudeau responded “To do more mob shit,” which this reported can only assume means going back to the Aga Khan’s private island.

Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold


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