Mark Saunders Sends Millions Of Unsolicited Texts To Toronto Residents After Losing His Phone

Toronto - Mayoral candidate Mark Saunders has reportedly been sending text messages to every resident of Toronto after he lost his phone and didn’t backup his contacts onto the cloud. The former police chief is seemingly trying to get a hold of a man named Derek who he used to work with.

It’s unclear why Saunders is trying to get a hold of Derek, but many residents are speculating that Derek either owes him money, or the two have been trying to plan to grab drinks for a long time now.

Saunders claims his phone went missing after he forgot it in the backseat of an Uber; a problem he says was a result of an underfunded police department. He also refuses to use iCloud over fears of nefarious hackers leaking his personal photos onto Reddit.

Some residents have also reported that Saunders has sent them multiple late night texts trying to spread a rumour that Olivia Chow plans to sell the CN Tower to the Chinese government.


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