Inflation Coping Mechanism Latest Victim Of Inflation

Ottawa - With the federal government planning to raise tax on beer, wine and spirits by 6.3% on April 1, it seems that Canadian’s last reasonable escape from the current financial crisis has too fallen to the current financial crisis.

“There was nothing quiet like heading to the bar after a hard days work. Then that got too expensive so it became drinking a few cans at home,” postal worker Tyler Field tells us, “Now with this new price hike, I’ll have to remember 6.3% more of my life.”

Many Canadians say they share Tyler’s feelings, relying on the sweet, delicious memory erasing qualities alcohol provides to help them forget they are almost certainly doomed.

Some health experts however are praising the governments decision. A recent study from Health Canada noted the negative impacts of drinking. The study showed that anyone who had drank alcohol eventually died, or would die at some point in their life.


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