Toronto Police Announce Initiative To Ticket Cyclists Even More Because It’s The Least Scary Problem To Deal With

Toronto - As violence in the city continues to spiral out of control, Toronto Police says they will be shifting their focus to Toronto’s number one safety concern, people on bikes who roll through empty intersections.

A spokesperson for TPS says they receive thousands of concerned calls from residents each day, many of which relate to concerns over other residents not following cycling by-laws.

“Why just yesterday, while on my way to deal with a call about another drive-by shooting, I witnessed a cyclist move from the road to the sidewalk because a police cruiser was blocking the bike lane. I said ‘Not today pal. It’s not called a sideBIKE’,” stated Constable Kyle Tylerson, “Obviously ticketing that miscreant took up the rest of my day so I never had to go deal with the scary violent call.”

Chief Myron Demkiw says he will be pulling officers out of previously designated areas of concern and moving them mostly into The Annex where he says is the hub for all this recent rule breaking.


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