Olivia Chow Hopeful That Planting More Trees Will End City’s Housing Crisis

Toronto - Mayoral candidate Olivia Chow has announced a campaign promise to address the on-going housing crisis by planting one million trees over the next four years.

At a recent press event Chow was asked how she planned to handle the city’s skyrocketing housing inflation, the mayoral candidate very confidentially explained her 11-step plan to replace all the trees lost during last winter’s ice storm.

“We need to address the biggest problem facing our great city right now, and that is the lack of trees,” Chow told a group of supporters struggling to pay their rent, “As mayor I promise to plant a tree for every resident of this city. Some of these trees will produce apples that can be eaten by those who cannot afford groceries.”

When pressed further on how additional shrubbery was going to solve the housing crisis, Chow suggested that by her third term the trees will have grown big enough to provide shelter for the unhoused.

When asked how she planned to address the city’s growing rate of violent incidents, Chow said she planned to add thousands of kilometres of additional bike lanes.


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