Gritty Detained At Canadian Border Attempting To Smuggle 50lbs of Cocaine


Niagara Falls - The Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty is being held at the Canada-US border after attempting to smuggling 50lbs of cocaine across the Rainbow International Bridge in Niagara Falls.

The mascot, known for his antics and drug-fuelled stare, was allegedly attempting to make his way to Toronto to cheer on the Flyers, based on his most recent social media posts. Gritty allegedly planned to make a brief stop at the Niagara Fall’s location of Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville restaurant and bar, where he intended to offload most of the cocaine, before heading to Toronto

This isn’t the first time Gritty has faced legal trouble this year; the mascot was arrested in January for allegedly punching a child.

US President Donald Trump has reportedly called Prime Minister Trudeau demanding Gritty’s immediate release, however boarder officers tell us the plan to keep him for further questioning related to his connections to ANTIFA.

Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold


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