"Undecided" Excited To Be Next Toronto Mayor

By Pov Minhas

Toronto - With election day fast approaching, Undecided is continuing to enjoy a comfortable lead in the latest poll for Toronto's Mayoral race.

Undecided is currently 30 points ahead of their next competitor. If elected, this would mark the first time in over 25 years that a non-white male would lead the metropolitan area. “How great would it be for Toronto to elect it's first non-binary mayor," Undecided remarked "I don't want to remark on the provincial election as I've made my position clear".

Undecided's sibling "No-Show" technically won the 2022 Ontario election with over 54% of the vote - however, they were deemed ineligible due to the PC party's last minute legislation which required all premier candidates eat a bee to prove they were not allergic.

When asked to comment, Doug Ford stated, "Talk to me at my daughter's wedding, bring cash.”

Pov Minhas is a contributing writer at The Toronto Harold


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