Polls Place The Only Recognizable Name In Lead In Toronto Mayoral Race

Toronto - The Toronto mayoral race is in full swing, with a recent poll indicating the clear front-runner of the 64 candidates is the only person on the ballot with some level of notoriety.

“I would say if I had to vote today, I would vote for Olivia Chow,” 32 year old millennial voter Cara Stronge tells us, “I don’t actually know her platform, but she probably wants to give us dental care and I don’t know anyone else’s name.”

“Oh isn’t the police chief running too? Mark… something,” Cara continued, “I won’t vote for him because being a cop he’s probably a racist, but I do know who he is kind of.”

Unless she had some kind of massive identity crisis since last being in the public sphere 6 years ago, Chow will be running on a platform of presumably something left-leaning ; however much like the average voter we too did zero research before writing this.

With the deadline for nominations fast approaching Toronto-born rapper Drake has hinted he too may plan to run, citing his 135 million Instagram followers and 75 billion Spotify streams give him a strong chance at winning what can only be described as the city’s longest running popularity contest.


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