74 Year Old Obese Man Struggles While Walking Down Ramp


By Scott Slute

West Point, NY - A video surfaced yesterday depicting an elderly and extremely overweight gentleman having a very difficult time making his way down a gentle incline. The video depicts the man moving one step at a time before having to stop, and takes him over 20 seconds to walk down the approximately 8 foot ramp. 

Sources close to The Harold report that the elderly man in the video is allegedly the president of the failed nation of The United States, Donald Trump.

An elderly Mr Trump took to the place where all old white people go to complain, the Internet, where he tweeted his reasoning for having such difficulty with the ramp:


Mr Trump, along with including arguably one the worst executed puns in recorded history, claims the ramp was steep and slippery and, at his age and weight, wanted to be extra carful.

This of course isn’t the first time Mr Trump has been extra cautious, as you can see below the multiple times he has drank water with both hands as to not spill on himself in his shaky old age:


Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold


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