Here’s A News Story About No Frills That's Definitely Not Just A Thinly Veiled Ad

By Gabriel Venneri

Lifestyle - Did you ever wonder where the food in your house comes from? Well I decided to find out by taking a trip to a place called “No Frills” and what I found blew my mind.

I was invited by the very nice people in the PR team of No Frills’ parent company, Loblaw Companies Ltd, subsidiary of George Weston Ltd. The PR reps told me all about the great and wonderful things that No Frills, and by extension Loblaws, does for the community, like supplying food to people in exchange for money. 

I was blown away by how cool this place was before I even stepped inside the store; the doors to the building literally opened on their own! They slid open without me having to do anything, I was very impressed. Once I was inside things got even better, they literally had so much stuff to choose from. There were vegetables, fruit, canned food, frozen food, I had no idea so much food existed! I kept thinking to myself, wow, the good executives at Loblaws really know how to spoil a person with so many options.

I looked at the prices of some of the food and honestly it was kind of expensive, but I really can’t blame the company for that. The PR reps told me it’s the greedy farmers and supply chain that are causing the high prices. 

The coolest part was at the end of shopping there, I got to pretend to work there by checking out my own groceries! I ended up buying milk and bread and only spent $47, that’s a pretty good deal that I can’t even complain about.

I can’t even lie, the bottom line is I will definitely be coming back to No Frills, or to any of the other fine retailers in the Loblaw portfolio, next time I’m hungry and don’t want to starve to death.

Gabriel Venneri is a contributing writer at The Toronto Harold. You can find him on Instagram at @gabevenn


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