Woman Who’s Literal Job Is To Remain Calm In Stressful Situations Breaks Down Over Not Getting Egg McMuffin


By Scott Slute

Savannah, GA - A Georgia police officer took to Facebook live earlier this week to air her grievances in a tear-filled and emotional rant after being asked to wait a few minutes for a McDonalds breakfast sandwich. 

The female officer, who is being described online as “Officer Karen”, is a fifteen year veteran of the police force and holds a job that really the only base requirement for is being able to stay chill when things get stressful.

In the video she posted, it is evident the officer can’t handle the stress of her food taking a little while to be prepared while in the midst of a global pandemic. It is unclear from the video how the officer would handle other high stress situations her job would entail such as deescalating a hostage situation, confronting a wanted fugitive, or if she ordered a coffee with cream but they accidentally put milk in it.

The video comes in the wake of widespread calls to defund and reform police departments. Some proponents of reform are calling for police officers to adhere to a higher standard which probably includes not sustaining yourself entirely off of fast food.  


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