You Won’t Believe What The “Popular Mechanics For Kids” Hosts Are Doing- Holy Shit That Was Jay Baruchel???

Culture - When I got tasked with the job of writing a where-are-they-now piece about the PMFK hosts I thought to myself, “Oh great. How am I possibly going to stringtogether multiple paragraphs about some guy who probably did one episode of Little Mosque on the Prairie, played Caliban for a season at Stratford, and now lives in St Thomas, ON?”

But when I pulled up the Wikipedia page I was floored to see that the show was hosted by JAY BARUCHEL! He’s like, kind of a real celebrity! This guy was in a Clint Eastwood movie! And he got his start hosting some show on Global.

5 year old me would have never guessed in a million years that this skinny nerd on the TV explaining to me how dump trucks worked would go on to be Judd Apatow’s fourth favourite person to work with! Have you guys watched Tropic Thunder recently? A lot of it does not hold up to 2021 standards but Jay’s character sure as hell does.

Hold on. Oh my god, no way. The other host was ELISHA CUTHBERT?! The mid-2000’s teen comedy icon? Is this for real? What was this show, like, the Canadian Freaks and Geeks?

I am truly floored. Wow. Ok well I’m not even going to keep scrolling down this Wikipedia page because I think you guys know enough. Two actual celebrities got their start on some random science show on Global. Truly a Canadian heritage moment.


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