Doug Ford Decides To Become Better Person After Seeing Very Clever Political Cartoon

By Gabriel Venneri

Etobicoke - In an announcement this morning, Doug Ford vowed to become a better human being and cancel all the evil plans he had in store for the province of Ontario. He attributes his change of heart to an extremely clever political cartoon, in which he was featured.

“Folks, after seeing that little cartoon square, I knew I had to straighten up and start using my power to help people.” stated the Premier, “I didn’t realize that’s how people saw me, I’m a little embarrassed that I’ve been conducting myself like that for so long.”

The cartoon, which was published in the Toronto Star, was shown to Ford by a staffer. The cartoon depicts the Premier with an evil grin on his face and holding a big bag with a dollar sign on it, while suited developers pave over a meadow and the children playing in it.

“I just wish someone woulda told me sooner, I never thought that people saw me as the bad guy, but boy are my eyes open now. I’ve heard the message loud and clear, so I’m reversing all the evil and mean things I’ve done to this province. Starting today, education workers and nurses will receive raises, the greenbelt is closed to developers, that thing I was planning on doing to the drinking water is cancelled, great healthcare will be accessible to everyone, and all the money I got from those developers will go towards fighting Loblaws. My only policy is to help the people, instead of making decisions based on greed and selfishness. I only ask that you forgive me. I really hope I don’t do anything that warrants another mean cartoon to be drawn about me”

The cartoonist, Dan Morcel, said the idea came to him in a dream, “I’m merely a vessel for the muses to work through. I take what the divines give me and put it down on paper.”

When asked if he could divulge any details on what he’s working on next, Morcel didn’t reveal much but he did say that the new cartoon included a politician laughing, holding a big bag with a dollar sign on it.

Gabriel Venneri is a contributing writer at The Toronto Harold. You can find him on Instagram at @gabevenn


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