Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Frankenstein Extolling Benefits Of Graverobbing

By Graham Kritzer

Austin - Contentious podcast host Joe Rogan once again welcomed a controversial doctor on to his show who, like previous guests, is also known for pushing long debunked and misleading claims.

Dr. Victor Frankenstein, a notable member of the intellectual dark web, appeared on a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, where he claimed that health officials are willfully and purposefully supressing the benefits of grave-robbing, and unsanctioned cadaver fusing inside of dirty Slavic laboratories.

“Look, it’s simple. Graveyards are there for a reason. And that reason, is to provide me, and freethinkers LIKE me, an ample supply of corpses for our ghastly experiments,” he said.

Frankenstein then added “Big Medical Ethics is hand-in-hand with the deep state and they want you to think that it’s immoral to load a horse-drawn wagon up with fresh corpses under cover of night while your semi-literate hunch-backed assistant keeps watch with a torch - and honestly we should all be outraged at that.”

Rogan, who is known to invite controversy and disputation onto his platforms. was quick to defend his much maligned guest.

“Victor is one of the leading advocates of scientific exploration and is on the precipice of something huge. It’s pretty gnarly, but he actually showed me pictures of some of his experiments and I shit you not, he’s literally sewn a bunch of human remains together into some sort of rotting clump of horrible, throbbing mass. And I think that’s pretty awesome.” 

Rogan went on to say that “This man is not a sheep. He’s a free-thinker. You’re not going to see Dr. Fauci doing this kind of thing, I can tell you that.”

It is important to note that Dr. Frankenstein has repeatedly pushed false and misleading claims during the last few centuries which continuously fly in the face of the science coming out of the medical community.

As of press time, Joe Rogan was reported missing by loved ones and was rumoured to be chained to a rusty old operating table somewhere in the Transylvanian Alps.

Graham Kritzer is a contributing writer at The Toronto Harold. More of his work can be found at @grahamkritzer


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