Putin Unveils Nuclear Warhead Filled With Increasingly Smaller Nuclear Warheads

By Scott Slute

Moscow - Russian president Vladimir Putin has announced the latest development in his country’s nuclear program; one very large and hallow warhead filled with dozens of increasingly smaller warheads housing one adorably tiny warhead in the centre.

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, Putin has warned that any NATO intervention could result in the deployment of this very impractical but incredibly fun weapon.

Western analysts are unsure how exactly this mostly hallowed out warhead is possibly going to be effective, but acknowledge the immense time and effort gone into creating it. A spokesperson for the Biden administration agree that though extremely impractical the warhead would look great on a mantle and would be an excellent conversation starter at dinner parties.

Although not any more destructive than a traditional nuclear weapon, the Russian nesting warhead is most certainly a metaphor for something that future generations will interpret while exploring the rubble of our collapsed civilization thousands of years from now.

Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold


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