Lotto Max Does More For Indigenous Women Than Justin Trudeau Has In 5 Years
By Scott Slute
Yellowknife - Laura Tutcho, an Indigenous grandmother from Yellowknife, was shocked to learn she was the winner of a $55 million Lotto Max draw. This exciting news means that the lottery has now contributed $55 million more towards Indigenous women than Justin Trudeau has in his five years as Prime Minister.
Tutcho says her first priority is to help her immediate family, which now puts her on-track to surpass the Federal government’s contributions towards Indigenous communities for 2020.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Trudeau said he was shocked to learn Lotto Max was actually planning to follow through by giving Tutcho the money that they said the were going to. He stated he was completely unaware that when you promise money and action to Indigenous people you are actually supposed to follow through and do it.
“That’s incredible news,” said the Prime Minster of Canada and proud owner of a brand new Trans Mountain Pipeline, “My government is going to investigate ways that we too can implement these same strategies Lotto Max took to provide this money,” he continued in a very non-committed tone.
Trudeau has stated he is scheduled to visit Tutcho and her community sometime in the foreseeable never.
Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold