Man Explains Why It’s Your Fault He Doesn’t Know What Gaslighting Is


By Scott Slute

Liberty Village - Yes, 31 year old Kyle Fischer may have only learned what exactly “gaslighting” is this afternoon, but he wants to make it very clear it’s 100% his girlfriend’s fault that it took him this long to figure it out.

“Ok, ya sure I had heard the term before, but I didn’t really know what it meant,” Kyle explains to his live-in girlfriend Kirsten, “But honestly, you didn’t make me feel comfortable enough to ask what it was.”

The phrase “gaslighting” derives from the 1938 mystery thriller called Gas Light, about a man who manipulates his wife into believing she’s going mad. More recently, the term gained wide-spread popularity during the Trump presidency. But actually, Kyle’s pretty sure people only started using it 8 months ago.

“Um, no. No one was saying '“gaslighting” before like last June. I’m pretty sure I’m right about that. Haha you’re definitely misremembering. It’s all good though, that happens sometimes.”

However, upon some further thought, Kyle realized he did in fact know what gaslighting was all along.

“Oh GASLIGHTING. Sorry, you said ‘grass lighting’! Ya I was wondering what you were talking about,” Kyle explained to his girlfriend, “Of course I know what gaslighting is I’m not an idiot. You just said the wrong thing. It’s ok though, I still love you.”

Later on while the couple was out for drinks with their friends, Kyle explained to everyone how Kirsten didn’t know what gaslighting meant until this afternoon.

Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold


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