Mexican Resort Converts Old Telephone Booth Into Virtual House of Common’s For Vacationing MPs


By Scott Slute

Playa del Carmen - In an effort to encourage vacationing Members of Parliament to continue their hard work from abroad, a resort in Mexico has turned an old, unused payphone into a virtual House of Commons. The virtual space will include a House of Commons’s backdrop, a webcam, and is situated right beside the beachfront bar, allowing MPs to continue serving their constituents even while travelling abroad in the middle of a global pandemic. 

The Agua Hermosa Resort in the Riviera Maya announced today that they converted the old payphone in an effort to entice the business of Canadian MP’s vacationing during lockdown. They stated that due to the decrease in travel from the on-going pandemic and ensuing travel bans, they wanted to capitalize on the only group currently vacationing; Canadian politicians. The resort announced they had even ordered backdrops from all 10 provincial legislature buildings so that politicians from all over the country could use the new virtual space and pretend they’re still home. 

“Besides our new virtual House of Commons, our beautiful all-inclusive resort boasts endless luxury features to meet the needs of any Canadian MP looking to get away,” resort owner Juan-Carlos Morales tells us, “From blocking incoming cell signals so you can’t be reached, to on-site banking services that will instantly convert your $1000 non-essential travel cheque into local pesos, the Agua Hermosa Resort is the place to go when you want to break your own travel laws.”

The efforts from the Agua Hermosa Resort seem to be working, as dozens of MP’s from all four major parties have reportedly been making their way down south to enjoy some well deserved time off after continuing to collect a paycheque while parliment was shut down for most of the year.

“I mean it’s not Greece, but it’s pretty damn fun,’ prominent NDP member Niki Ashton tells us, “After being stripped of my critic role for traveling abroad, I figured what better way to decompress and collect myself than to be partying it up in sunny Mexico!”

“We call that part of the resort the Rod Phillip’s House of Mayhem,” said Saskatchewan’s highway minister Joe Hargrave, motioning to the western block of the resort, “Now that he doesn’t have to work it’s a non-stop party! I just shotgunned a Four Loko over there, and Roddy told me he’s making tequila jello shots for tonight!”

At press time Prime Minister Trudeau, wearing a bright yellow tank top with the words “Suns Out, Guns Out” adorned on it, said there would be severe repercussions for any politician caught breaking his travel ban. He then looked directly into the camera and winked while emphasizing the word “caught”.  

Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold


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