Doug Ford Appoints Nephew Micheal New “Minister Of Good Times”
By Scott Slute
Queen’s Park - Premier Doug Ford has unveiled his new 30 person cabinet, which includes several new appointments including Sylvia Jones as health minister, and his newly elected nephew Michael in the role of “Minister of Good Times”.
The recently created role will see the 28 year old Ford responsible for vibe checking the province as it emotionally recovers from the pandemic and a second Ford majority.
The Premier says that although his nephew may be young and inexperienced, he’s confident Michael will excel at the role citing that if there’s one thing all Fords can do it’s have a good time.
The young Ford says he is excited for the opportunity that he was handed to him because of his name and will be sure to keep the party going province wide.
Ford says his first act as minister will be to install a the world’s longest beer bong on the observation deck of the CN Tower.
Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold