Top 10 Donald Trump Tweets From 2013 We Wish Were Photoshopped

By Scott Slute

Even “Toronto’s Least Trusted Source In News” sometimes has to report facts. Here are the Top 10 tweets President Donald J Trump actually posted in the year 2013:

Here, the soon-to-be president sends some words of encouragement to fellow celebrity Hannah Montana.

Here, the soon-to-be president sends some words of encouragement to fellow celebrity Hannah Montana.

Thank you for the television recommendation, Mr President!

Thank you for the television recommendation, Mr President!

“Haters & losers” is a theme we’re going to be seeing a lot of.

“Haters & losers” is a theme we’re going to be seeing a lot of.

I have no idea what the context is for this one.

I have no idea what the context is for this one.

Again, unsure of the context I just enjoyed he that he tweeted it from an Android.

Again, unsure of the context I just enjoyed he that he tweeted it from an Android.

Little known fact, President Trump was first in line to buy the iPhone 11 Pro Max six years after tweeting this!

Little known fact, President Trump was first in line to buy the iPhone 11 Pro Max six years after tweeting this!

Always in the festive spirit! But, there’s no way he could  possibly take this sentiment and make it way 1000x more insensitive, right?

Always in the festive spirit! But, there’s no way he could possibly take this sentiment and make it way 1000x more insensitive, right?

oh… oh no… oh no why… why…

oh… oh no… oh no why… why…

Oh god President Trump why are you doing this???

Oh god President Trump why are you doing this???

And finally, we will end things with my all time favourite Trump tweet:


Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold


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