NDP Take Pro-Ant Position

By Scott Slute

Ottawa - Following a pamphlet sent out by Erin O’Toole and the Conservative Party saying if elected they would clean up all the ants in Otawa, the NDP have stated if elected they will not only protect ants, but will bring in even more ants.

“Mr O’Toole’s hateful rhetoric will not be tolerated in this country,” NDP leader Jagmeet Singh said to a crowd of pro-ant supporters, “And while Mr Trudeau stays quiet on the issue of ants, the NDP are the only ones willing to fight to protect the ants of this great nation!”

The Liberals have yet to weigh in on the issue, however inside information says the party will treat it like every other issue of this election by taking a middle-of-the-road position on ants so to neither upset nor inspire anyone.

Bloc leader Yves-François Blanchet has stated that he too will protect the ants of Ottawa but will force them to speak French.

Scott Slute is the Editor in Chief at The Toronto Harold


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