Ontario ‘Sunshine List’ Reveals Doug Ford Was Paid Entirely In Breakfast Sandwiches

Queen’s Park - The province’s so-called ‘sunshine list’, a disclosure of all public sector workers making over $100,000 in 2022, has been released and has revealed that Premier Doug Ford took home 52,374 breakfast sandwiches last year.

The list showed that Ford didn’t just take home the financial equivalent of this amount of sandwiches, approximately $208,974, but demanded that he receive a daily allotment of 144 breakfast sandwiches each day. The sandwiches would be collected by a staffer from the College and University Tim Horton’s across from Queen’s Park, and be delivered to the Premier’s office before he arrived each morning.

The unprecedented pay structure was negotiated by Ford following his 2021 re-election and was part of the province’s plan to stimulate the economy following pandemic related shut downs.


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