US Announces Plan To Invade Afghanistan And Set Up New Government

Washington - As Taliban forces continue to conquer territories throughout Afghanistan following the withdrawal of US troops, the US has announced their plan to assist the country by invading Afghanistan and setting up a new government.

President Joe Biden announced today that in order to ensure peace in the country, the US would be sending in thousands of ground forces.

“We are watching as the chaos unfolds, and we need to ensure things like this never happen again,” President Biden said during his press conference on Monday, “Our troops will be sent in to establish a democratically elected government and train the Afghan forces so that they will be able to govern their country on their own.”

The president recounted several other times the US had successfully intervened in another countries affairs including Vietnam, Syria and Afghanistan.

“We have seen time and time again, that when a country is in peril the only solution is for the United States to come in uninvited, topple the government, set up a new one, and then leave,” the president continued, “We are here to help those in need, regardless of whether the root problem was our fault.”

US Forces are slated to enter the country as soon as the earliest poppy harvest.


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