Ontario Kindergartener Becomes Province’s Youngest Police Officer

Toronto - 5 year old Jackson Butler is breaking new grounds as Toronto’s youngest ever police cadet after the boy successfully registered for the city’s police college after meeting all necessary criteria recently put in place by the Ford government.

With no formal education or training, and nothing but a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, the recent preschool graduate was welcomed by the Toronto Police Service and is slated to be one of the top graduates from this upcoming class.

Following the change in minimum requirements for police officer applicants, Premier Doug Ford said that formal education was no longer necessary to enforce the law and instead recruiters should look at life experience. And young Jackson had plenty of that, demonstrating to police chief Myron Demkiw how high he could jump and sharing the story of the one time he caught a frog.

Although Jackson is still unsure what number is after 20 and is currently only able to put on his own shoes if they’re velcro, the TPS says he should still be able to perform the job of police officer to their standards.


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