Justin Trudeau Confirms Separation Is Just Part Of Recent Cabinet Shuffle

By Andrew Scott

Rideau Hall - In an impromptu media scrum on Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau downplayed the seriousness of this week’s separation announcement from Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, suggesting that it was a simply an extension of his recent Liberal cabinet shakeup that saw the promotion of seven junior ministers to his front bench and the reassignment of numerous important roles in both his cabinet and private life.

"What a team," stated Trudeau, flanked by his new roster of ministers, as well as a bevy of possible replacements for Grégoire’s position as PM wife.

While pundits have opined that this cabinet reconfiguration is an indication of a marriage and minority government in trouble, Trudeau, taking a break from scrolling through Tinder, downplayed the suggestion.

Andrew Scott is a musician and writer who lives in Toronto in a house amongst children, antiquated technology of yesteryear and many, many instruments. Instagram, writing, poetry, more poetry.


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